About Us
The Girls


Oliver (September 2001 - July 2007)

Oliver came into our lives in March 2002. Zoe was insistent that we needed a cat to keep us company in our new apartment. After about a week talking about getting a kitty I get a call from Zoe at work She tells me that she went to the SPCA just to look around and when she was walking through this little red-haired kitten reached out to her, literally. "I was walking through and as soon as I walked by, he stuck both his little paws through the cage at me.... I knew he was our cat!"

Ollie's favorite past times included chasing around a laser pointer in the house, sleeping on every new item that came into the house (from couches to paper bags), and of course lounging around the backyard.


Bailey (Born April 25, 2004)

Bailey came to us in July of 2004. We were finally settled in our new house, but we knew we needed one more addition (No, not a kid... we weren't ready quite yet). We decided on a Cocker Spaniel because both of us grew up with one, and thought they would be a good size for our house and lifestyle. We went to the breeders house on July 1st and there were 2 puppies to choose from (Smoky and Lucky). Smoky caught my eye immediately and we took him home a few days later.

Bailey loves to play ball. He could play catch all day if you let him. He also enjoys playing with his rope and chewing on his bone. Bailey recently graduated from Advanced dog training in December '05. We are so proud!


Best Friends


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