About Us
The Girls

Palm Springs (March 2001)

Our First Real Vacation Together. We went to Palm Springs for 5 or 6 days over Spring Break from Cal Poly and just sat by the pool and enjoyed the warm weather. Of course, like any other trip we go on, James had to find a nearby Miniature Golf Course. I don't know what it is about him and windmills. Maybe Holland is in our future!

Hawaii (December 2003)

Our Honeymoon/ One year anniversary. We spent 6 wonderful days on the island of Kauai. We toured all around the island a few days, laid on the beach a few days, and made time for a few "touristy" things. We took an awesome boat ride to the north side of the island and saw up close the beautiful Napali Coast. We also went to a luau that same night with a Canadian couple we meat on the boat. We had a blast! Our favorite part of the trip was probably the helicopter tour. Even though James gets extreme motion sickness, he still says he would do it again.

Florida (September 2004)

Michelle's Wedding. This was our second time to Florida. Our first was back when we were in school and visited James' friend Nick in Ft. Lauderdale. This time we were a little more north on the Atlantic side in Melbourne. While we were there we took a little trip up to the Kennedy Space Center with James' parents. We really didn't know what to expect but ended up having a real good time.

Gulf of Mexico (August 2005)

The Last Hoorah. I was 5 months pregnant when we went on our cruise,but we were not going to let that stop us. We flew out to to Tampa, FL and stayed with James' cousin Jeff and his Fiance Kim for a couple days. It was a real treat to be able to spend time with them. We were also able to spend the day with our Aunt Kathy, again priceless. From Tampa we went to Playa Del Carmen on a 4 day cruise. It was the first time for both of us, and we would definitely do it again. Except for the wet weather and Hurricane Katrina being only a few hundred miles North of us, it was a great time.


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